The Faces the Taliban Erases 6/

Anna Chan
2 min readSep 28, 2022


This compilation is In respectful commemoration of those who have been abducted and/or executed by the Taliban since August 1, 2021, and it contains GRAPHIC CONTENT. I chose to spotlight 10 in each commemoration. The men and women of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan #NRF have pledged to defend these innocents with their very lives. They can use our moral support while defending the safety of their families and the sovereignty of their homeland.

The Faces the Taliban Erases 1/ ….. The Faces the Taliban Erases 2/ ….. The Faces the Taliban Erases 3/ ….. The Faces the Taliban Erases 4/ ….. The Faces the Taliban Erases 5/ …..

As a US American soldier who deployed to Afghanistan, I wish to express my solidarity with the same individuals who 1) fought against this Evil in the past and were slandered and libeled by the Biden administration during and after the irresponsible withdrawal of civil and military support, 2) for the individuals still fighting the physical battle and their families who pay the ultimate price of sacrifice. May all the forces in our universe and beyond bear witness to these abominations and intercede for the people in Afghanistan.

Cite this APA:

Chan, A. (2022, September 28). GRAPHIC WARNING: The Faces the Taliban Erases 6/ — Anna Chan. Medium. Retrieved *insert month date, year*, from

Additional resources for tracking Taliban war crimes, human rights violations, and genocide against Hazara and Tajik people are available at this Linktree @AfgFactChecks. Twitter here.

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Anna Chan

Anna Chan writes fiction for children and adults and various non-fiction articles. She loves gardening and playing at the beach with her little girl Joy.